Saturday, January 19, 2008

Music Books. Are They Worth Buying?

I occasionally get asked by peers and professionals alike "I saw this book online about recording. Have you read it? Should I get it?"

I had the opportunity to get my degree in Recording Arts and Sound Engineering, so I did a fair bit of reading while I was in school, but I also did a fair bit of drinking. Needless to say I had to re-read a handful of books when I was re-introduced to the real world after graduating, so I've always found it difficult to recommend anything to anybody, especially if their intentions were unclear. So today I decided to re-visit some of my old literature from audio school and post a few books that I still use from time to time (there will be 3 or 4 separate posts over the next two days, so stay tuned!) If you have any questions, feel free to contact me! :)

Assistant Engineers Handbook is a book that I still pick up when In need of intellectual support. If you ever want to get a job in a recording studio (which can be a very cult like process) you must start off as an Intern, or Gopher, as it's widely known. After 6-12 months of making coffee, ordering pizza, answering phones, and fucking things up, you'll probably have picked up a thing or two about recording and how a studio is run. At this point you will be in a very strategic position to take on the roll as Assistant Engineer (which essentially means a lot of paper work and setting microphones up) , but there is a good chance you will get your own chair!

This book covers everything from studio etiquette, to filling out the different types of paperwork (includes diagrams), and everything in between. It was written with a very non-tech approach so even the average studio newbie would understand the terminology when reading. It's not a big book, around the 300 page mark, so you can have the advantage of going through it's contents easily when needing reference for those killer studio sessions you will be having!


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