Sunday, January 20, 2008

Music Books. Are They Worth Buying? Part Two

Since post number one I have been spending time reviewing some of my books from college (The Trebas Institute) and reviewing books online. Music Books Plus is one of the best resources for anything relating on the music business. They have a very extensive collection of Audio, Film, and Music focused books. They also have a pretty sweet affiliate program! Click here if your curious :)

Book number two of my Music Books blog series is All You Need To Know About The Music Business: 6th Edition. To put it plainly, you will not succeed in the music industry if you do not have your music business game perfected. This is something that takes time, and contrary to popular belief there are no shortcuts. It's who you know, THEN what you know. This book was written by Donald S. Passman, who is a veteran top dog music lawyer. In the music business, success strongly depends on knowing HOW to protect yourself and your intellectual property (your music). This book provides an in depth, detailed guide on all things legal and financial.

This latest edition was supposedly labeled as the "industry bible" by the Los Angeles Times. That's a pretty big statement, but after reading through the first few chapters I realized why a statement so bold could easily be attached to this essential guide on the business of music. Traditional topics are covered such as Royalties, Publishing, Advances, and Copyright Law. It also takes an in-depth look on the ever evolving world of digital media covering such topics as:
  • Music Downloads and Streaming
  • How Royalties are computed in the Digital Age
  • Industry Tactics to combat Piracy
This book will prove to be a "backpack" reader. You will find yourself carrying it around, needing to have access to it in a flash. If you are serious about making a living in the music industry, and competing with the overnight hype behind such artists as Soulja Boy (I can't believe I just mentioned his name) who infest the digital realm in this new Web 2.0 world, then you will want to have your backpack handy!
